Faculty Accomplishments

Mount Holyoke professors have won Guggenheim awards, NASA grants and Carnegie Fellowships.

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Susanna Nazarova, Evgeny Dengub (Smith College, Russian), and their coauthor, Benjamin Rifkin, were awarded the 2019 AATSEEL Prize for the Best Contribution to Literary Pedagogy for their book, Panorama. Panorama is an innovative textbook engaging the intermediate-level students in a comprehensive approach to the study of Russian, offering a wide array of activities aimed at the advanced-level proficiency in all the four modalities, from the fundamental concepts of grammar to spontaneous speech. (2020)

Travel fellowship from the for the project "Curricular Connections: Mapping, Transposing, and Teaching Research Methods in Geology, Geography, and Environmental Science." This fellowship will pay for Caro to travel to the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City, MO in order to utilize specialized materials in support of ongoing work in her liaison areas.

Lauret Savoy was awarded a Faculty Fellowship from Harvard University's Charles Warren Center for Studies in American History (2024)

Lauret Savoy was awarded the for her book Trace Memory, History, Race, and the American Landscape (2017)

Lauret Savoy was awarded an Andrew Carnegie Fellowship (2017)

Forthcoming translation from the French of Catherine Malabou's Pleasure Erased: The Clitoris Unthought is the recipient of a 2022 French Voices award.

Awarded the 2012 Meribeth E. Cameron Prize for Scholarship for his stunning achievement as a scholar of cultural and social theory and his ability to open students’ minds.

Awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz 1. Klasse, the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, on April 26, 2007. The German government recognized Van Handle for her achievements in promoting German language and culture in the United States.

André White was awarded the 8th Annual Quad-L Early Career Research Award by the Department of Psychology at University of New Mexico.

Pet Projects: Animal Fiction and Taxidermy in the Nineteenth-Century Archive was awarded an Honorable Mention Book Award by the at their triennial convention in Baltimore in November 2021.