Ayca Zayim


  • Assistant Professor of Sociology
  • Nexus Track Chair for Development Studies
Ayca Zayim

Ayca Zayim is a sociologist whose research interests lie in economic and political sociology, and the sociology of globalization and development. Her broad research program focuses on how the rise of finance in the last few decades contributes to social and global inequalities. In particular, she is interested in the workings of financial power under globalization, with a focus on the Global South. Based on extensive field research in five different cities across three countries (South Africa, Turkey and the U.K.), her doctoral work unpacked the power dynamics between global finance and the central banks of South Africa and Turkey. Her research contributes to policy debates about global inequality and developing economies’ room to maneuver under financial globalization. She employs both qualitative and quantitative methods.

Zayim’s research has been supported by the Center for Engaged Scholarship, the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy, and the Mellon-Wisconsin Fellowship, among others. Her previous research explored a range of topics, including worker cooperatives in the U.S., the role of the state in economic development in India, and displacement and housing rights in Turkey.

Zayim has taught courses on introductory statistics and research methods. She is dedicated to helping students develop their skillsets and ultimately apply this knowledge to real-world problems. She believes that the tools they learn in her classroom empower them to critically assess what is often taken-for-granted.

Areas of Expertise

Economic Sociology; Sociology of Globalization and Development; Sociology of Finance; Political Sociology; Research Methods


  • Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • M.Phil., University of Cambridge
  • B.A., Bogazici University

Recent Publications

Zayim, Ayca. 2024. “.” Pp. 125-147 in Beyond Neoliberalism and Neo-illiberalism: Economic Policies and Performance for Sustainable Democracy, edited by M. Gabriel, A. Katsman, T. Liess, and W. Milberg. Bielefeld: Transcript. (Expected: Columbia University Press, October 2024).

Zayim, Ayca. 2023. “The Federal Reserve, Covid-19, and the Governance of the International Monetary System.” Pp. 53-71 in Central Banking in a Post-Pandemic World: Challenges, Opportunities, and Dilemmas, edited by M. Yagci. Abingdon: Routledge.

Zayim, Ayca. 2022. “” Politics & Society 50(4): 543-570.

Zayim, Ayca. 2021. “Central Banks and Cultivating Credibility.” Contexts 20(1): 46-51. .

Zayim, Ayca. 2020. “Building Confidence ‘On the Ground’: Encounters Between Finance and the Central Banks of South Africa and Turkey,” in Mustafa Yagci (Ed.). The Political Economy of Central Banking in Emerging Economies. London: Routledge. .

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