Faculty Accomplishments

Mount Holyoke professors have won Guggenheim awards, NASA grants and Carnegie Fellowships.

They receive millions in funding from national foundations, leading to unique research opportunities for students.

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Tawa, J., Negrón, R., Suyemoto, K.L. & Carter, A.S. (2015). The effects of resource competition on Blacks’, Asians’, and Whites’ social distances: A virtual world method. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 18 (6), 761 – 777.

Mellon New Directions Fellowship, 2023-2026

Faculty Fellowship, Mount 51ֿ, 2022-2023

Australian Research Council Indigenous Discovery Project (Partner Investigator), 2020-2023

Australian Research Council Linkage Project (Research Associate), 2021-2024

Five Colleges’ Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS)/Andrew W. Mellon Foundation “Gathering at the Crossroads” Project. $49,660 for artists’ residency and $12,480 for course redesign (2021-22); $10,000 for course redesign (2020-21)

Included in a Australian Research Council (Australia) Grant via agreement with the University of Melbourne for the project "Indigenous Storytelling and the Living Archive of Aboriginal Knowledge." The project is for 3 years. (2020)

Faculty Fellowship (2019), Smithsonian Institution’s Summer Institute for Museum Anthropology (SIMA)

Thorner, S. (2023) “Indigenous Media: Currents of Engagement” (with K. Dowell and G. Zamorano). In Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. Ed. John Jackson. New York: Oxford University Press.

Thorner, S. (2022) “Bringing a Living Archive to Life.” Pursuit (online magazine of the University of Melbourne). With F. Edmonds and  J. Leane. Available: .